Joe Biden appeared on Fox News on Sunday, and said that Hillary Clinton was formidable, and was definitely odds on favorite to win the Democratic nomination for President.
But Biden also said that this race was a marathon, and there was a long way to go before the nomination was decided. He said that Clinton would have to make her best case and "I don't think Hillary's best case versus mine or Barack's or anybody else's necessarily trumps us."
In other news, Biden yesterday introduced to the Senate the Homeland Security Act of 2007. The legislation would "create a trust fund to implement the 9/11 Commission’s security recommendations. It would also provide funds for new local law enforcement jobs and for other critical homeland security upgrades."
Biden has long talked about making America a safer place - this measure would strip some of the tax cuts for those earning over $1million a year, to put $10billion a year into a Homeland Security Trust Fund.
Joe Biden said that “This is all about setting the right priorities for America. Instead of giving a tax cut to the richest Americans who don’t need it, we should be focusing on the security of all Americans”