Monday, January 29, 2007

Biden Says Bush Has No Plan

Joe Biden appeared yesterday on ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos, and in reference to the Iraq Resolution by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week, has called on the President to "Listen to Us".

He was joined in a debate by Sen. Richard Lugar (R) who is also from the Senate Committee.

Biden said that the ground has moved beneath the President's feet and there is a movement in the congress to say, "Listen to us". But he also said that the President has no credibility, he exaggerated the reason to go to Iraq and there is not a lot of trust in the Bush Administration.

Biden has made a prediction that this will be the first time on the Senate floor that there will be a full debate on this issue. He has said that he doesn't think there will be more than 20% of the Senate that says the President is headed in the right direction.

Even Sen Lugar said that he was only "hopeful" that the President was headed in the right direction, and that the debate on this issue was important.